Group 6
China Chinita (jarana de 6/8)
La Mestiza
Al Ritmo del Timbal
Mimi Gines (jarana 6/8)
Timbalero (jarana 6/8)
Mi Yucateca
The conquest of Yucatán began in 1527 when Francisco de Montejo landed on the eastern coasts of the peninsula. After three attempts at conquest, in 1542, Francisco de Montejo Jr. succeeded in founding Mérida on the indigenous seats of Tho.
The arrival of the Spaniards resulted in the development of a new social stratification.
"The habit that the Indians now wear is shirt and zaragüelles and espadrilles and hat, covered with a square blanket of one fathom with a knot at the shoulder, and some lords and caciques walk dressed like Spaniards, but none brings attacked tights, but zaragüelles, stockings or boots, and they walk on horseback.
The typical dress of the women of Yucatan is called terno. As its name indicates, it consists of three pieces: doublet, hipil and fustan. All mestizo women and catrinas wear the terno for the regional night at the carnival.
The mestizas wear it for weddings and for the vaquería dance. The terno is considered the typical costume of Yucatán.
When during the dance," says Pacheco Cruz, "someone would say 'Bomba!' out loud, the music would stop and a dancer would recite a quartet to his partner in a good joke or humorous (witty) way that caused hilarity or applause, but within good morals and without going beyond the limits of decency; the verse was recited in the Mayan language since it was a popular dance".