​Adults Group
El Carretero
Jarabe Tapatío
In 618 A.D. the Toltecs founded the kingdom of Xalisco.
The name Jalisco comes from the mixture of three words of Nahuatl origin: xal-, which means sand, íx-, face or surface and the desin of place -co: "on the surface of sand" or "in the sandy area".
Tenochtitlan fell in August 1521.
Cristobal de Olid entered without much resistance, and in 1523 the island of Zacatula was founded, laying the foundations for Colima and part of southern Xalisco. In 1524 Cortes sent his cousin Francisco de Cortes to assume the leadership of the Villa, with the objective of Christianization, mineral prospecting, the study of ports in the area and cartography. It was said in 1525 that he was exaggeratedly violent with the Indians. On May 24, 1527, Nuño Beltran de Guzmán arrived to the American continent as governor of the province of Pánuco. The expeditions with Indians and Spaniards continued, Guzman passed through Michoacán and thus departed with more than 8000 Tarascan Indians. They arrived at Tonallan, today Tonala, there the Indians refused to surrender, proceeded to combat and so a cross and a temple was erected and called the Holy Cross. It went through several places destroying and the Cancan inhabitants fled to the mountains. They continued their journey when they reached Xalico many natives died of starvation because the town was desolate and without food.
The influence of the Spaniards in dance and music was relevant in our culture, so the dances can be divided between sones, jarabes and dances.
Today, Jalisco is the birthplace of charros, tequila and mariachi, all traditions that mark the cultural identity of the entire nation.
The first appeared on the coasts during the colonial era, with indigenous and Spanish elements.
That is perhaps the costume with which Mexican folklore is recognized around the world, for its beauty and colorfulness.